Friday, February 24, 2012

Lymphocyte made here do not stay in the

Bodies immune system or to cells involved in immune response or act as sites for the immune system. These organs include the lymph vessels, lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus gland, patch Peyyera and spleen. Lymph nodes are small clusters of tissue interspersed all. White

cells (lymphocytes) that function in the immune response are concentrated in the lymph nodes. Lymphatic fluid circulates through the lymph nodes through lymphatic vessels. In the lymph is filtered through lymph nodes, foreign cells and furosemide microorganisms found depressed. Tonsils contain a large number of lymphocytes. Located in the back of the throat and under the tongue, tonsils filter out potentially harmful bacteria that can enter the body through the nose and mouth. Peyyerovyh patches are lymphatic tissues that perform the same function. Peyyerovyh plaques scattered throughout the small intestine and appendix. In addition, they filled lymphocytes that are activated when they encounter pathogens.vitamins strengthen immune system Thymus lymphocytes another site. Located in the upper chest, thymus is most active in childhood, when it has a large number of lymphocytes. Lymphocyte made here do not stay in the thymus, however, they migrate to other parts of the body and concentrate in the lymph nodes. Thymus continues to grow in

, in adulthood, however, the thymus decreases in size until it is sometimes impossible to detect in X-rays. Bone marrow, found in the bones and produces lymphocytes. These lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow to other sites in the body. Because bone marrow is an integral part of the immune system, some bones

Colored scanning electron microphotographs of white blood cells (pink and white) attacking the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (yellow). Photographer Juergen Berger. Max-Planck Institute / Science Photo Library / Photo Researchers, Inc Reproduced with permission. Bone marrow is very risky, because without bone marrow, a person can not make lymphocytes. People are bone marrow replacement should be kept in strict isolation to prevent the impact of viruses or bacteria. The spleen acts as a reservoir for blood and any gap in the spleen can cause dangerous internal bleeding, a potentially fatal condition. The spleen also destroys worn out red blood cells. In addition, the spleen is also the place for the immune system because it contains >> << lymph and produce lymphocytes. .

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